Lapsang Souchong Butterfly #1
A superior leaf Lapsang Souchong offering a unique smoky crisp character.
This special smoked tea has a robust flavour sometimes referred to as tarry and is a speciality from Fujian province.

Then they are placed in bamboo baskets and hung on wooden racks over smoking pine fires to dry and absorb the smoke flavour. When finished they are thick, glossy black strips, and produce a dark red drink with a unique aroma and taste. It is generally consumed with sugar or milk.
All the best Lapsang is produced in the nature preserve located in the Wuyi Mountains where the high mountains with thick pine forests and heavy mist provide the ideal environment for growing top quality tea. Depending upon one’s palate the taste can be light and intriguing or it can be heavy and overpowering.
This spectacular example is a real treat for any connoisseur.
Origin: China
Process: Orthodox (Traditional leafy), Small batch crafted.
Region: Fujian Province - Xingchun region
Ingredients: Black tea
Growing Altitudes: 1500 – 4900 feet above sea level
Caffeine Guide: Medium
Seasonality: Seasonal quality (Mar. – Apr. growth)
Antioxidant Content: Low
Grade: Special Leaf Lapsang Souchong SBOPF
(Special Broken Orange Pekoe Fannings)